Monday 28 May 2018

WFC Runners - Rock and Roll and Running


This weekend saw Lynn running in the Vitality 10,000 alongside Sir Mo Farah.  The race takes part around central London, starting on The Mall, taking in Nelsons Column, past Downing Street and the Houses of Parliament and finishing outside Buckingham Palace.  It was a hot day but that didn't stop Lynn running a course PB! Congratulations!

We also had Fran and Trish running the Newbury 10km. This race starts and finishes in the town centre and is partially on road and partially on canal tow path.  One to add to the race calendar for next year!  

We also had another excellent turnout at parkrun with a large number of Fit Club runners taking part. Yet again we had PBs.  Catherine (25:10) and Jake (21:10) both bettered their recent PBs, congratulations guys!  

In addition we had a Fit Clubber top of the tree at Winchester with Adam snatching the first finishers token in a rapid time of 18:20.  This completes a double for Adam, who also finished first at last week's parkrun in Leszno, Poland.  Great running Adam!

I ran at a relatively new parkrun near Reading called Prospect park (review below), we also had Jake running at Bournemouth.

Here is the consolidated report for this week:

If you ran a parkrun but do not see your name on this list, then please consider setting your parkrun club to Winchester fit Club Runners.  Do this by following the link to your profile in your results email and changing the club.  You will then start appearing.  

This week's Thursday running session saw us doing sprints around the rugby and cricket pitches at North Walls Rec.  To read all about it, see the blog:

Liverpool Rock and Roll Half - 20th May - By Coach James

Back in January I decided to book myself in for the Liverpool Rock and Roll marathon. It seemed like a good idea at the time...5 months to train for it having already built up a good winter training base....I could have a serious pop at my marathon PB. Well that all started to unravel at the Winchester 10km where I took the first of my prat falls, damaging my ankle. I did a similar thing in March and the again in April. I also had a cough from hell which I couldn’t shake. All of that meant that in mid-April I decided to drop down to the half marathon. 

Training for this progressed much better, with weekly long track sessions and a good mix of shorter, faster runs and longer slower ones. I felt good and my training indicated that I could possibly break my long standing half PB of 1:41:01. I arrived at Liverpool fit and confident. 

We spent the Saturday doing touristy things, and I managed to squeeze Croxteth Hall parkrun in in the morning. It was a beautiful weekend and so we wandered the city, taking in the history. It really is a beautiful city, I’d highly recommend it if you’ve never been. 

Sunday soon came around and we headed into the city once again. It was another hot day, even at the 9am start time, and this really took its toll later on. We got to the start line with about 15 minutes to spare and I lined up in corral 2. This was fairly lucky as it meant I crossed the line after only 10 mins...some of the later pens took 45 minutes!

I had some pre race snaps with Elsie and was soon called forward and I was off!! The route was a real tour of the city. It started in the docks, running along the river front. This was a slight issue for me as it was cobbled and we all know what my ankles are like! There were also speed bumps and curbs to contend with so I was cautious at first. 

The route then turned into the financial district and then down into the Cavern Quarter, birth place of the Beatles. We ran along Mathew Street where the famous Cavern Club is located, which was cool. 

We next headed past city hall. Here they had a Beatles cover band on the balcony belting out was ace!! Being surrounded by buildings meant that there was no wind and so it started to feel like we were being cooked as the temperature increased. 

We soon found ourselves heading back along the dockside road. It was here that I could see people still crossing the line...I was already at mile 3!

The route then hit the first of the big hills as it headed up to China town. There were more bands on route and some drumming groups as well...they helped keep the tempo high! It was here that I started to think that it wasn’t going to be my day. My heart rate was higher than normal and, although I felt physically fine, my pace had started to drop. For the next few miles it was a battle to stay on PB I eventually lost.

The route headed through the picturesque parks of Princes and Sefton. The crowds were good here and the music better than in other areas. The route continued to undulate and another hill took us up past the collage that Paul and John met at and up to Penny Lane. This was the only out and back section of the course and it was good to get some hi-fives from the runners coming the other way.

I had a friend on the course (at about mile 7) who I hadn’t seen for some years and he took some photos and I gave him a sweaty hug and a slobbery kiss...which I’m sure he appreciated. 

From here the course went downhill back through a park and onto the river front. Despite it being downhill I was struggling to get any kind of pace up. It was frustrating as I felt good...I just couldn’t understand it!

This started to affect my mood and by the time I got into the flat run in (miles 9-13) I was annoyed and a bit p**sed off with myself. It was a lovely stretch of the route though with the Mersey to my left and cheering supporters to my right but I was frustrated that my body wasn’t doing what my mind felt it was capable of!

As I came into the finish straight I saw Sarah and Elsie and it had obviously been too much for little Elsie who had fallen asleep. I was pleased to have finished in 1:49:21 (watch time) but felt like I had more to give. I said to Sarah that I could’ve run further but I couldn’t have run faster. 

On crossing the line I was given my medal, you then went through this line of stuff which was free for the runners...bananas, water, lucozade, flavoured tea drinks, walkers crisps, haribo and a host of other items! They then made you walk for ages to collect your t-shirt only to then direct you back the way you cake for your free pint! 

Being the Rock and Roll half marathon there was a huge stage with live music where you could stay and soak up the atmosphere. We sat for a while before heading into town for a well deserved lunch and then up to Anfield to see the home of the greatest football team in the world! 

I would highly recommend the race. Superb organisation, lovely route, great marshals and cracking bling. They also have a full marathon, 10km, 5km and mile race. If you do two races in a weekend you get a free third medal in the shape of a guitar.

Croxteth Hall parkrun, Liverpool - 19th May - Coach James

As I was up in Liverpool for the Half I decided to run another different parkrun.  The nearest to our accommodation was Croxteth Hall. This was set in park and woodland surrounding a large country house.  It was quite surprising to find it as it wasn't in the nicest area of the city and there didn't seem to be enough space for a park of it's size.  

The course itself was a one lap route starting and finishing at the front of the Hall.  It was fairly flat and went through some beautiful woodland and parkland. The paths were wide and of good condition which made it a super quick course. As I had the half the following day I took it easy and ran round in just over 30 mins.  

I would highly recommend this parkrun if you are in the area.

Prospect Park parkrun, Reading - 26th May - Coach James

I was playing golf near Reading on Saturday morning and I had just about enough time to squeeze in a parkrun beforehand.  Fortunately a new one had started just down the road at Prospect Park, so I could just about make it!  

Prospect park is a mixed use park to the west of Reading.  It is frequently used for cross country events, so already popular with runners. Thankfully the organisers decided not to include the big hills that are often cursed by the cross country runners!  The route was a gently undulating 2 lap route all on grass around the edge of the park.  It was a nice course which I can see being really tough in winter once it gets a little wet and muddy.  

I had a good run, getting round in my fastest time since my ankle injury in late Feb.  I also finished a credible 29th out of a field of 201.  It was a great run and I managed to run back to the car, drive to the golf course, change and be on the 1st tee by 10am!  Job done.  

Fit Club Kit

Winchester Fit Club offers a range of training kit at reasonable prices.  They are high quality and can be personalised.  By using the kit you will also be helping us advertise Winchester Fit Club at local events.  

Mike and Laura place orders at the end of every month and lead time is around 10-14 days.

If you are interested please speak to Mike or Laura, or email me at and I will pass it on!  

Race Calendar

Here is an updated race calendar.  If you have any others that you wish to add, please let me know!

Race for Life – Winchester – 3rd June

Eastleigh 10km – 17th June

Alresford 10km – 17th June

Baccus Marathon and Half – 9th September

The Lake Run, Andover 10km and 5km – 16th Septembver

Winchester Half Marathon – 23rd September
Clarendon Marathon, Half and relay – 7th October

Cardiff Half – 7th October

Great South Run - 21st October

Gosport Half - 18th November

As ever, if you have any submissions for the next blog then please send them through to

Happy Running!  

Coach James

Kit pictures and prices

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