Monday, 4 June 2018

WFC Runners - News, parkrun PBs, Newbury 10km and Winch Half!


This week saw 14 Fit Clubbers run at parkrun across 4 different venues (Winchester, Bournemouth (Jake), Southsea (Lynn) and Cranleigh (Coach James - write-up below).  Yet again you guys stepped up with some fantastic running.  We had PBs from Jake (21:07), Jo M (28:42), Emma S (26:38), Tom L (21:50), and Adam S (17:59) and we had young Felicity Mills running her first ever parkrun.  Congratulations everyone!

Here is a link to the consolidated report for this week's parkrun:

We now have a whopping 25 registered parkrunners for WFC.  Thank you everyone!

This week's running session saw the runners return to St Giles' Hill for some more hill sprints.  Read all about it here:

We also had a bonus track session on Monday...more about that next week!

We also had a social night out to celebrate the success of Sharon "One R" Smith at the London Marathon.  A group of the runners headed into town for a few drinks, some elaborate cocktails and a fun night out.  It goes to show what a wonderful community we are building and I am proud to be part of it.  

We have a couple of write-ups this week.  Thank you to Trish for her review of the Newbury 10km.  I have also penned a few words on my trip to Cranleigh parkrun. 

If you have anything you would like to contribute, please send it to

Newbury 10km - By Trish

Fran and I chose the Newbury 10K because we thought it would be a flat and attractive course. And so it proved to be

After a 3k gentle climb out of the town, we followed a fabulous trail along country tracks - really pretty - unspoilt by the downpour of rain which quickly put paid to the carefully applied sun-tan cream! The end of the run back into Newbury was sunny and warm, but we had the canal towpath to distract us from the humid heat. Great support along the route helped us to the finish where we joined another 683 happy runners. Well organised and recommended run.

Cranleigh parkrun - 2nd June - by Coach James

This week Elsie and I continued our parkrun tour with a visit up to Cranleigh parkrun in Surrey.  The course was a two lap trail route which started in The Bruce McKenzie memorial field.  It was mostly through beautiful meadows with a whopping great hill in the middle.  The hill was steep, but not too long, thankfully.  Once at the top we were rewarded with great view of the Surrey hills before heading straight back down the other side and back towards the start/finish.  

Prior to the we encountered a slight issue....the running buggy was too wide to fit through the gate which led to the start.  No a problem as a kind chap helped me lift the buggy over the ages.  However I was then told that at the start of the second lap we went through the same gate.  I spoke with the Run Director who assigned a marshal to the gate to help me lift Elsie and buggy over mid-run.  It made for an interesting ride for poor old Elsie!!  

It was a hot morning so the second time up the hill was tough, but we were soon in the finishing straight and crossing the line.  We finished in 27:02 in 39th position (out of 91).  

It was a lovely run and one that is highly recommended.  

Winchester Half Marathon - Volunteers needed!

Some of you may have seen the post by Lynn on the WhatsApp group about the Winchester Half Marathon needing volunteers for this year's race.  The race is on Sunday 23rd September and needs over 300 volunteers to be successful.  

By volunteering you get free entry into next year's race.

If you are interested please follow this link:

Race Calendar

Here is an updated race calendar.  I have added the Greenham Common 10km/5km/mile on the 14th October. If you have any others that you wish to add, please let me know!

Eastleigh 10km – 17th June

Alresford 10km – 17th June

Baccus Marathon and Half – 9th September

The Lake Run, Andover 10km and 5km – 16th Septembver

Winchester Half Marathon – 23rd September
Clarendon Marathon, Half and relay – 7th October

Cardiff Half – 7th October

Greenham Common 10km, 5km and Mile - 14th October

Great South Run - 21st October

Gosport Half - 18th November

As ever, if you have any submissions for the next blog then please send them through to

Happy Running!  

Coach James

Kit pictures and prices

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