Thursday 8 November 2018

WFC Runners - 8th November - Badger Farm Hills

This week saw the runners head to another new venue; this time it was the hills of Badger Farm.  

We met outside the Starbucks at Sainsbury's and it was a manic 5 minutes!  We had 5 members completely new to Fit Club and 3 Fit Clubbers joining us for the first time from other sessions.  There were a total of 30 runners in the session, in what is turning out to be, a monster week for Fit Club as a whole.  

The new members were Lucas, Luke, Lauren, Barbara and Sarah with the first time Fit Clubbers were Bex, Camilla and John.  Unfortunately Sarah couldn't stay and will join us running another week!  Welcome everyone to the group!!

We headed down to the far side of the car park where we did a revised warm-up.  Unfortunately we were a bit constrained by space so it was a slightly truncated and squished warm-up before we headed off for the main body of the session.  

We headed out of the Sainsbury's car park and headed onto Meadow Way and down on to Rooks Down Road, all the way to the bottom of the hill. Here Coach James explained the sessions and took the group through another short warm-up to get the bloody pumping and the legs ready for the hill sprints ahead. 

The session itself was tough, and was structured as follows:

4 short hill sprints up the steepest part of the road, from the bottom to the junction of Wren Close.  Each rep was followed by a jog recovery back down to the bottom.

After the completion of the 4th rep we ran one long hill rep from the bottom to the junction of Ashbarn Crescent.  This was a hard effort and left most of the group gasping for breathe at the top.

After this we ran around the Crescent and back to our start point.  

From here we repeated the whole set again (4 short hill sprints, 1 long) before heading back to Sainsbury's for a stretch and, in one instance, to buy chocolate coated marshmallows.     

It was another great session which was tough, but showed the strength and capabilities of the runners.  The new members slotted in seamlessly to the group and seemed to enjoy themselves.   

Next week will be another new venue and will be a pseudo-track session.  Please look out for notices on WhatsApp and Facebook for the location.

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