Thursday 29 November 2018

WFC Runners - 29th November - Barfield Sprints

This week saw the runners head back to more familiar stomping ground of Barfield close for a windy pyramid session.  Despite the inclement weather there was a good turnout of 22 runners, probably lured in with the promise of drink and cake! 

We met in Abbey Gardens and were entertained by some cracking fireworks before we went through the usual warm-up.  We then jogged over to Barfield close where we were to do the session.

This week was a classic pyramid session where intervals got progressively longer and then progressively shorter.  It was structured as follows:

2 x 30 sec sprint, with 30s recovery
2 x 45 sec sprint, with 45s recovery
1 x 2 min sprint, with 2 min recovery
1 x 3 min sprint, with 3 min recovery
1 x 2 min sprint, with 2 min recovery
2 x 45 sec sprint, with 45s recovery
2 x 30 sec sprint, with 30s recovery

This was effectively 12 min effort with 12 min recovery.  

It was a good session that got harder as it progressed through.  We has a short break and then jogged back to Abbey Gardens for our cool down. 

After the run we headed over to Number 5 Bridge Street for a drink.  We also had cakes that we could purchase, the funds from which went towards Anne’s London Marathon charity, Leonard Cheshire.

Anne made lemon drizzle cupcakes, Anna made a ginger cake, One R made chocolate brownies and Felicity Mills had made cookies.  It was a fine selection that were much appreciated by the hungry runners!

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