Thursday 11 October 2018

WFC Runners - Thursday 11th session

This week once again saw the runners meeting at Abbey Gardens.  It was a overcast evening, but still fairly warm for the time of year.  18 runners were there with another new member.  Welcome to the group Paul!

After the standard chat and warm-up we headed off to where the session was to be held.   This week was another new winter venue, of which there will be a few in the coming weeks and months. 

We jogged along Bar End Road before turning and heading up East Hill.  We then forked right and headed down Petersfield Road.  After the road splits again we stopped and I explained the session to the eager runners.

Petersfield road is a nice straight road with street lighting on one side.  It is gently undulating and fairly traffic free so it is perfect for some nice sprints.  This week we revisited a classic session based purely around helping build speed and endurance.  We were therefore did 12x1 minute with a very generous 1 minute 30 recovery period.     

Why are intervals important?  Here is a summary that sums it up well: 

“Studies have compared intense interval running with moderate continuous running. ... Intense intervals improve your aerobic and anaerobic endurance, increase your VO2 max and improve your running performance.”

Following the session we jogged back to Abbey Gardens for the cool down.

Next week’s session will also be starting at Abbey Gardens at 7pm. 

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