Thursday 4 October 2018

WFC Runners - 4th October Session

This week saw the runners meeting outside the River Park Leisure centre.  It was another perfect evening for running with it being pleasantly warm and dry, with very little wind.  There were 16 runners, a smaller turnout than previous weeks, but still a great group.  

This week’s run session was a mixed bag made up of a mix of hill efforts and long flat intervals. 

Once we were all together we headed off to the rec for our warmup followed by a 1km jog from the North Walls up to the bottom of Abbotts Road.  This in itself is quite an effort with it being predominantly uphill!  Once there we went into the main session which was as follows:

Run up Abbotts Road with jog recovery back down (roughly 380m)
Run up Abbotts Road rest at the top – (roughly 190m)
Sprint along Courtenay Road to Stoke Road – short rest – (roughly 250m)
Sprint along Courtenay Road to the top of Abbotts Road, jog recovery to the bottom of Abbots Road – (roughly 440m total)

Total distance 1,260m per set.

All this repeated 3 times.  

Following completion of the session we jogged the 1km down the hill back to the North Walls rec, where we cooled down and finished the session.   

Total running distance for the evening was 5.8km with about 3km of that being a hard effort, either uphill or on the flat.  It was another tough session but one which once again focussed on speed, strength and endurance.  As with all sessions everyone worked extremely hard.

Check out next Tuesday’s blog for a review of the Ageas 10km by Charlotte W and a review of Tough Mudder by Simon E, as well as the usual news and announcements!!

Coach James.

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