Thursday 9 August 2018

WFC Runners - 9th August Training Session

Hi all, before we launch into the write-up of the session I would like to say a huge thank you to all of the Fit Clubbers for their messages of love and support over the past few days!  Sarah and I have been overwhelmed.  It is amazing to be part of such a supportive and caring community.  

Bertie is doing well and he tells me he can't wait to join his first Fit Club session!!  

I would also like to extend my thanks to Mike and Anna H, Anne and One R for leading the session in my absence.  From the sounds of things, and from all of the amazing photos, they did an amazing job.  Thank you guys!!  

Much love

Coach James

9th August Training session - by Sharon "One R" Smith

With Coach James otherwise engaged with his new arrival 16 runners met in Garnier road car park for a social run. Shelley from last week returned in an interesting choice of footwear. Luckily she brought along partner Ben who had her trainers. Shelley and Anne’s friend Kirsty and Karen’s husband Matthew also joined us for the first time. 

Luckily the earlier downpour had cleared and we had a calm, clear evening for a run. 

Unlike our usual Coach, Anne had complete control of the group during the warm up and we were soon on our way. 

Mike led everyone efficiently around the 4 mile route (Up past St Catherine's, across the M3 pedestrian bridge, down through Hockley Golf Course, across to the viaduct and back to Garnier Road) with the obligatory stop for photos. 

It was a lovely relaxed session and a beautiful evening to spend with top people. 

On behalf of everyone at fit club we want to send our best wishes to James, Sarah, Olivia and Elsie for the safe arrival of Bertie. We look forward to seeing you all soon.

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