Thursday 2 August 2018

WFC Runners - 2nd August Training Session

This week saw 21 runners join coach James for a very tough session on Five Bridges Road.  

We met at Garnier Road and introduced the 4 new runners who had joined us today; Shelley, Eric, Anna (Tina's daughter) and Olivia (my little monkey). They were in for a treat of a session!!

After the standard warm-up we took a leisurely jog along the river all the way to the start of Five Bridges Road. 

Once we had gathered I took the group through the session.  The aim was to go through some progressively longer intervals and then finish with some shorter sprints.  

The first rep was a full on hard effort from the gate to the first of the bridges (roughly 150m), here we had a short break, before sprinting back to the start point.  

After another short break we moved onto a longer effort with the aim of running it at 5km PB pace.  This was to the second of the bridges (roughly 250m).  After a slightly longer break we repeated this back to the start point.  

The third rep was the longest and went all the way to the 3rd of the bridges (roughly 320m).  This again was at 5km PB pace.  

After this rep we took a break to take the obligatory group photos with the river and mill as the backdrop.

To finish off we did 5 shorter sprints (roughly 50-70m) between bridge 3 and the gate at the far end of the road.  These were just to polish off the last of everyone's energy before we took the St Cross trail route home.  The entire session was around 5km with roughly 1,500m  of hard effort.   After a cool down back at Garnier rd we headed our separate ways!    

Thank you to everyone who made it such a fun session and for welcoming Olivia into the group and being so patient and supportive with her when she was slowing towards the end!!

Next week we will also be meeting at Garnier Road for some h**ls.  See you then!!

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