Thursday 28 June 2018

WFC Runners - Thursday 28th June - Barton Meadow

WFC Runners - Thursday 28th June - Barton Meadow Mixed Bag

This week’s session was another scorcher with the hot dry weather of the last week continuing.  That didn’t deter 17 runners joining me for the first “mixed bag” session for a while. 

After a warm-up and a well deserved round of applause for Adam's effort last weekend,  we headed up the hill to Courtney Road, where we started the session with 2 x 1min intervals on the flat with 1 min recovery between each.  Courtney Road is an excellent find for us with it being a fairly flat, wide, quiet road that is well lit at night.  It will therefore become a good winter venue for the runners. 
Following the initial flat intervals we headed off road and round Barton Meadows.  This is a beautiful trail that I only discovered a few weeks ago.  Here we did some hill reps.  In past hill sessions we have been running up steep hills for short amount of times.  This builds strength and endurance.  Today we ran for longer up a slightly shallower gradient hill.  This was aimed at replicating the hills that you are more likely to see on race day.   The next section of the session was therefore 4 x 1m30sec hill reps with a jog recovery back down the hill.  
The hill itself was definitely steeper than it looked and although it was only 4 reps it was a tough session and I could see the efforts that the runners were putting in.  As a coach all I ask is that you guys have fun and work hard.  Both boxes were definitely being ticked.

After completing the final rep we gathered for the obligatory group photos in front of the rolling fields of Barton Meadow before heading back to Courtney Road.  Here we did one last 1m 30sec rep down the road to round off the session and headed back down the hill to the North Walls rec for a cool down stretch and a chat about puddings.

Following the session a few of the Runner’s headed off to the pub to catch the end of the England Belgium game.  The other runners headed home to watch Love Island.  I headed home to write this! 

Next week we will be back at Garnier Road for some more intervals.  Hopefully it’ll be a little cooler!!

Have a good weekend everyone!!

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