Thursday 21 June 2018

WFC Runners - Thursday 21st June

WFC Runners  - Thursday 21st June - Intervals

This week saw the runners go back to a more familiar session with the return of intervals.  It also saw us return to Abbey Gardens after a couple of weeks at Garnier Road.

Yet again it was another large turn out with 15 Fit Clubbers joining me on a beautiful summer's evening.  We also had 4 new faces!  Welcome to the group Sandi, Charlotte, Rachel and Charles!!

After celebrating the successes from the weekend (more about that in the next blog), we went through our warm-ups and headed off towards North Walls Rec.

This week I thought I would take the newer members of the group back to where it all started. Back in September when the Runners first ventured out we came to North Walls and did 10 x 1 minute with roughly 1:00-1:30 min rest.  We have come a long way since then and the group are much stronger, so I decided to push everyone a little harder than I did 9 months ago.  

The session was 12 x 1 minute with 1min 15 second recovery.  As with all intervals the aim was to be consistent across the entire session and hit the same point on the 12th rep as they did on the 1st.  

Although it seemed, on paper, like an easy session it was a warm evening and everyone put in 100% effort, so there were some tired legs as we headed back to Abbey Gardens for our cool down.  

Thank you to everyone who participated this evening.  As ever you all worked super hard but were positive throughout and it was another very enjoyable evening.

I would like to wish Adam all the best this weekend as he takes on The Race to the King on Saturday.  It is a 52.4 mile ultra marathon starting near Arundel and finishing in Winchester.  That's 17 back to back parkruns.  Good luck Adam, we're all behind you.

Wherever you are running this weekend, run hard and enjoy it.

Coach James

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