Monday, 24 February 2020

WFC Runners - Winchester 10km, Wokingham Half, Glenna's 400th


This week racing returned with the Winchester 10km (or 10.6km for some!) and the Wokingham Half Marathon. 

Despite forecasted rain and wind Winchester was actually really good conditions for running. There was an excellent turnout from the running club with over 20 members running, a few volunteering and loads out supporting on the course. It was a fantastic atmosphere and a great showing from the team. Unfortunately there were some issues with the course which meant that the first few hundred runners were sent the wrong way and ended up running an extra 600m. This did impact the Fit Clubbers with Ben Smith, Andy Mant, Alice Dewsnap and Colin Burville all running longer than they should've. 

There were so many PBs that I couldnt mention everyone!  However special mention goes to Simon B for his HUGE 9m30s PB and Jenny for her 5m45s PB.  Alice and Andy would also have had PBs but for the issues with the distance! 

Here are the results, in no particular order (apologies if I have missed anyone). Those impacted by the longer course are marked with an asterisk and I have provided an estimate adjusted time. 

*Ben Smith – 44:20 – time adjusted to 10km – 41:49
*Alice Dewsnap – 47:52 – time adjusted to 10km – 45:09
*Andy Mant – 44:41 – time adjusted to 10km – 42:09
*Colin Burville – 47:29 – time adjusted to 10km – 44:48
James White – 46:04
Steve Lucas – 52:13
Karen Parker – 57:57
Sharon Smith – 59:26
Elise Gilbert – 50:55
Cat Westoby – 51:13
Allen Westoby – 47:38
Helene Beresford – 1:07:58
Marie-Clare Menez – 1:02:48
Simon Boyden – 1:02:55 
Sarah Robinson – 50:09
Simon Robinson – 46:45
Glenna Greenslade – 1:02:56
Trish Heaton – 59:54
Jenny Leishman – 47:16
Philippa Drew – 53:25
Sarah Geddes – 57:12
Fran Hansford – 1:08:27
Ali Longman – 54:27
Vicky Hadden – 59:44
James Hadden – 46:47
Sally Taylor – 1:06:52
Dawn Osbourne – 1:14:04
Isabel Mansfield – 57:07

We also had Mike and Anna running the Wokingham Half. Starting and finishing at Cantley Park the race runs on fast, flat rural roads and is renown for producing super fast times. So it was with Mike and Anna who both recorded fantastic new PBs! Here are the results:

Mike Hastie - 1:35:38 - 99s PB
Anna Hastie - 1:39:32 - 91s PB

Congratulations to everyone who ran and thank you to everyone who volunteered and came out to support us. 

parkrun 15th February

This week’s numbers were lower than normal due to Winchester once again being cancelled and the Winchester 10km on Sunday. We had just 15 registered Fit Clubbers at 5 different parkrun venues.

We had Glenna, Dave, Trish, Anne, Elise, James and Olivia at Netley Abbey, Vanessa at Harrogate, Matt at Bournemouth, Alice at Salisbury and Jenny, Katie, Rachel, Simon and Sarah at Southampton.

The big news was Glenna running her 400th parkrun. That’s 2,000km or from here to Albania! Glenna has run at 55 different venues and a whopping 231 times at Winchester, 51 times at Eastleigh and 27 times at Kingston. Glenna has a PB of 27:02 set at Winchester on the 22nd April 2017! Congratulations Glenna!

There was a course PB for Alice of 22:21 at Salisbury.  Congratulations Alice!

Thank you to everyone who ran and volunteered.

Here is a link to the consolidated club report:…

If you have yet to register as Fit Club then all you have to do is go to your parkrun profile (link in the results email) and select Winchester Fit Club RC as your club. You will then appear on our results!

My parkrun journey by Glenna Greenslade

I first heard about parkrun after reading an article in the national press the week after finishing my first ever race, the Great South Run, in October 2010. 

So, on 6 November 2010, while visiting my son for the weekend, I found myself at my first ever parkrun in Kingston, Surrey. It was Kingston’s 34th event and there were 51 runners. I finished in 42nd place in 29:31. Fast forward to 2020, Saturday 25 January at Kingston’s 516th event with 433 runners, my position was 274 in a time of 29:43. 

My next parkrun was at Eastleigh Lakeside (before it moved to Fleming Park) on 20 November 2010. It was their 29th event with 78 runners. I didn’t parkrun again until 23 April 2011 (back then I didn’t run if it was cold or raining) and, parkrun was growing, there were now 170 runners taking part at Eastleigh. 

Eastleigh soon outgrew Lakeside and it had to move to accommodate the growing numbers, it moved to Wide Lane School playing fields. By September 2011 I was parkrunning almost every Saturday in all weathers, Dave, my husband, came along and was soon volunteering at most of the home runs I attended. The numbers continued to grow and Wide Lane became unsuitable. While the Event Director looked for another suitable place for Eastleigh, he soon set up another local parkrun and Netley Abbey was formed and then, shortly after, Southampton. Fleming Park became the new home for Eastleigh and by this time there were now 3 local parkruns with more to come in the future. Eastleigh continued to be my home parkrun but I did go regularly to Southampton as it was on tarmac, which I preferred to the muddy course at Eastleigh. My first run at Southampton was event number 19 in November 2012 when there were 225 runners. They now currently have in excess of over a 1000 participants and are one of the largest events in the UK.
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On 27 April 2013 Winchester had its inaugural event and it became my home run and in 2014 Dave and I became Run Directors. 

We have now stepped down as Run Directors from the 5k event (we help out if they are short during the holiday period) but remain as part of the Core team and we are now regular Run Directors at the Junior 2K event. 

To date I have run 400 events, 232 at Winchester, 78 at Eastleigh, 27 in Kingston and 15 in Southampton these being my main venues but have run at 55 different parkruns, some of them 2 or 3 times. My run time peaked at 27:02 in 2017 with my highest age grading of 77.31% the same day, which also happened to be my 200th parkrun, it’s been downhill since!

In the over 9 years that I have participated in parkrun I have seen so many changes most significantly in the events popularity with a huge increase in the number of runners and venues across most of the world. Two things that have not changed, since day one, is that all events are completely free to participants and they are all run by volunteers, I have volunteered 154 times mostly at Winchester.

Challenge - Week 7

We are now in the second block of the challenge and you have all predicted the number of runs each week and the length of the longest run.

The scoring for the number of runs is the same as block 1 (points = %age of runs completed up to a max of 100).  The points for the long run element of the challenge are based on the %age of distance covered.  The points are therefore as follows per week:

25 points for 100% (or more)
20 points for 80-99.99% 
15 points for 60-79.99
10 points for 50-59.99
0 points for less than 50%

Therefore if you predict 10 miles and run 10 miles you get 25 points.  If you run 8.5 miles you would get 20 points and if you ran less than 5 miles you would get nothing!  Best of luck everyone!!  

Here is the latest table.  We have 43 runners remaining in the competition.  33 are still on maximum points (775) with 11 of you having played your wildcards. We have lost 4 runners through injury.  

How is everyone getting on so far?  Is it benefitting your training? Any feedback would be gratefully received!

Name Block 1 Block 2 Total
Alf Rodway 400 375 775
Ali Longman 400 375 775
Alice Dewsnap 400 375 775
Allen Westoby 400 375 775
Andy Mant 400 375 775
Anne Arnold 400 375 775
Ben Howett 375 340 715
Catherine Mulrine 300 375 675
Catherine Westoby 400 375 775
Charles Mason 400 375 775
Colin Burville 400 375 775
Debs Cotsgrave 400 375 775
Elise Gilbert 400 375 775
Fran Hansford 400 375 775
Glenna Greenslade 400 375 775
Graeme Read 400 375 775
Issy Mansfield 400 375 775
James White 400 375 775
Jenny Leishman 400 375 775
Jo Hindle 400 342 742
Karen Parker 400 375 775
Kathy Read 400 375 775
Lucy Gardner 400 375 775
Lucy Rhodes 400 375 775
Lynn McKeague 400 375 775
Marie-Clare Menez 367 300 667
Matt Mandelbaum 400 375 775
Philippa Drew 400 375 775
Philippa Gammie 250 265 515
Rachel Mills 400 375 775
Sally Boyden 400 375 775
Sarah Geddes 350 325 675
Sarah Lewis 400 375 775
Sarah Robinson 400 375 775
Sharon Smith 400 375 775
Sheelagh Evans 267 375 642
Shelley Talbot 400 355 755
Simon Boyden 400 375 775
Simon Mills 400 375 775
Simon Robinson 400 375 775
Stefan Kemp 400 375 775
Trish Heaton 400 375 775
Vanessa Hodgetts 400 110 510

General Announcements

WFC Running Club Calendar

Dates for your diary:

27th Feb - Abbey Gardens
2nd Mar - Track Session

Sally's Marathon Journey

You can follow Sally B's Marathon journey in her blog:

Sally is also fundraising for Winchester Hospice.  Her JustGiving page can be found here:

WFC parkrun Club

Winchester Fit Club RC is set-up as a club with parkrun. If you go into your profile (there is a link to it on the parkrun results email and newsletter email) you can select your club. Change yours to Winchester Fit Club RC and you will appear in the consolidated club report that we get each week.

WFC Runners WhatsApp Group

There is a WFC Running Club WhatsApp chat group where we generally just wang on about running, races and cake. If you are not already part of this then please get in contact with Coach James or Coach Mike who will add you.

WFC Runners Facebook Group

There is a WFC Runners Facebook page where we put the blog posts, news and race pictures.  Follow the link:

WFC Runners Strava Club

If you are a Strava user there is a Winchester Fit Club RC page. This can be accessed here: Request to join and we will approve!

Booking onto sessions

Booking onto our training sessions enables the coaches to plan the session accordingly. You can book on through the Fit Club website:

Race Calendar

Training Kit

The method of ordering training kit will be changing shortly with it all being available through the main this space!  

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