Monday, 6 January 2020

WFC Runners - parkrun doubles, Stubbington preview, challenge, new websites


Happy New Year!!  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and are raring to go for 2020!  It promises to be an excellent year.   

We are now into race season once again and it all kicks off this weekend at Stubbington.  Last year we had 17 Fit Clubbers running and this year we have a huge 25.  With the new kit now distributed it is going to be a fantastic start to the year for the club. Graeme is on hand to take photos and we will have write-ups in the next few weeks. Watch this space!

The other big news is that Fit Club has a new shiny new website. It can be found in the following location:  This site is now the main portal for booking onto sessions across the whole of Fit Club and will soon be the main way of purchasing the training (non affiliated) kit.  Please take a look!!  

Lastly the challenge has now started!  We have 46 members participating, 20 more than last year!!  Each week we will be tracking their progress and publishing the league tables.  We are on the look out for prizes, so if you work for a company who may be willing to donate something, or know someone who does please ket me know! 

Affiliation renewal

It's hard to believe but we have nearly been affiliated for a whole year! I will therefore soon be asking for renewal fees.  The year for England Athletics runs from the 1st April through to the 31st March and the fees are

£15.  This year we have added in the option of paying £50 which covers your affiliation fee and your subs for the year.  More details will be out in the next couple of months.   

parkrun 2019 summary and stats

In 2019 we had 72 different registered runners, running a staggering 1190 parkruns at 105 different venues in 7 countries.

As a club our highest attendance in a single week was the C25K graduation week when we had 35 runners. We averaged 22 runners for each of the 55 runs.

The average time across those runs was 27:21 and the fastest time was 17:52 recorded by Charles on the 30th March.

There were 55 possible UK parkruns in 2019 and Jenny ran every one of them, with James and Glenna a close second having only missed only 1 in the year. James and Glenna also visited the most different venues with 24 and 20 respectively.

We recorded 875 runs at Winchester with the next closest being Eastleigh (27), Alice Holt (22) and Whiteley (20).

Charles recorded a first finisher at Winchester on the 6th of April and Anna (3 times), Alice and Vanessa all finished as first lady in 2019.

Here’s to a fantastic parkrunning 2020!!

parkrun 1st January

Today was the first parkrun day of the new year and as such we were allowed to treat ourselves to a double! We therefore had 29 Fit Clubbers running a total of 50 parkruns at 9 different venues!
21 completed the double with 8 running just the single run. 

We had 19 at Winchester, 9 at Southampton, 8 at Lee-on-the-Solent, 5 at Whiteley, Vanessa at Eastleigh, Sarah and Simon R at the Eden Project, Sheelagh at Netley Abbey, Matt, Stefan, Lucy at Alice Holt and Rachel and Simon M at Fareham! 

Doubles were as follows:

Winchester/Southampton 9
Winchester/Alice Holt 3
Winchester/Eastleigh 1
Netley/Lee-on-the-Solent 1
Fareham/Lee-on-the-Solent 2
Whiteley/Lee-on-the-Solent 5

The Robinson’s, Sarah and Simon, both got PBs at the Eden Project. Sarah secured a huge PB of nearly 3 minutes running 24:55 and Simon ran 23:09. 

Continuing her fine run of form, Vanessa bagged a course PB of 25:40 at Eastleigh. There was also a course PB for Stefan at Alice Holt with 22:22. Great running everyone!

Congratulations to everyone who ran and thank you to everyone who volunteered.

Here is a link to the consolidated club report:

parkrun 4th January

This week we had 32 registered Fit Clubbers at 5 different parkrun venues.

We had 28 at Winchester, Alice at Bushy, Alf at Whiteley, Tom at Lydney and Vanessa at Queen Elizabeth! 

There was also a cracking PB for Alice at Bushy with 21:26. There were also course PBs at Winchester for the in form Simon R (23:13), Sarah R (25:01) and Kathy R (28:03)! Superb running!

Also of note...Matt M ran for the 100th time at Winchester today. A great milestone to reach.

Congratulations to everyone who ran and thank you to everyone who volunteered.

Here is a link to the consolidated club report:

General Announcements

WFC Running Club Calendar

Dates for your diary:

9th Jan - South Winchester park and ride

Sally's Marathon Journey

You can follow Sally B's Marathon journey in her blog:

Sally is also fundraising for Winchester Hospice.  Her JustGiving page can be found here:

WFC parkrun Club

Winchester Fit Club RC is set-up as a club with parkrun. If you go into your profile (there is a link to it on the parkrun results email and newsletter email) you can select your club. Change yours to Winchester Fit Club RC and you will appear in the consolidated club report that we get each week.

WFC Runners WhatsApp Group

There is a WFC Running Club WhatsApp chat group where we generally just wang on about running, races and cake. If you are not already part of this then please get in contact with Coach James or Coach Mike who will add you.

WFC Runners Facebook Group

There is a WFC Runners Facebook page where we put the blog posts, news and race pictures.  Follow the link:

WFC Runners Strava Club

If you are a Strava user there is a Winchester Fit Club RC page. This can be accessed here: Request to join and we will approve!

Booking onto sessions

Booking onto our training sessions enables the coaches to plan the session accordingly. You can book on through the Fit Club website:

Race Calendar

Training Kit

The method of ordering training kit will be changing shortly with it all being available through the main this space!  

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