This weekend the only racing we had was Catherine at the New Forest 10. Despite some ongoing injury issues Catherine posted an excellent time of around 1:30 on the all trail route. Definitely one for next year!
parkrun roundup 6th July
Despite the heat there was one PB...Wendy Holman at Winchester with a cracking 30:30! Well done Wendy!
Here is a link to the consolidated club report:
Thursday Training Session - Park and Ride sprints - 4th July
This Thursday the group headed to the South Winchester park and ride for more sprints...this time slightly longer efforts. We welcomed Shiela to her first Thursday session having previously been to other Fit Club sessions.
After a warm-up we headed to our normal starting point. Here we started with an exercise we've done a few times. There is straight section of road which has 8 parking sections (roughly 30m long) spaced evenly along it and at the top of the 8 sections there is a path. We therefore set-up the session so that the runners sprinted up the first parking section and then jogged along the path and down the second, sprint up the 3rd and jog down the 4th, sprint up the 5th and jog down the 6th, sprint up the 7th and jog down the 8th. The runners then had to sprint as hard as they could back to the start (roughly 200m). This was repeated twice through. However for the first rep I had the sprints sprint the ups and the downs! Sorry!
We then did 4 reps corner to corner along the main straight. This was a hard 5km pace for roughly 1 minute. We had a short break between reps before smashing out the next.
After this we some alternating efforts around a half km loop. This consisted of roughly 100m hard, 100m easy 50m hard, 100m easy, 100m hard, 50m easy. This was repeated twice. The aim was to ensure that the efforts were done at a hard pace and that there was a distinct difference between the hard and easy paces.
Next we paired up into pairs of roughly the same ability. Then, round a half km loop one runs one way and the other the opposite way. When they meet at the far end the tag each other and turn and run back the way they came. The aim is to beat their partner back to the start. We played two rounds of this.
Lastly we played a game of "Chase the rabbit". The same pairs of runners lined up in two lines. One line faced down the road towards a set of cones about 50m away. The second line turned, took a large step forward and faced in the opposite direction. When the whistle blew the front line legged it off towards the cones, whilst the second line had to turn and sprint after them. The aim was to catch their partner (The Rabbit). The aim was for the front runner to reach the cones before being caught. Everyone then jogged back to the start, and the partners swapped roles with one running and one chasing.
Next week's session we will be meeting at Abbey Gardens and going for beer and pizza afterwards at the Willow tree.
Race Reports
Isabel Trail parkrun by Coach James
A couple of weeks ago Sarah and I visited some friends in Stoke and so I had the opportunity to tick off yet another new parkrun. This time at Isabel Trail, a relatively new parkrun in Stafford. This was a special one for me as I was finally able to get an "I" for my parkrun alphabet (leaving just J, V and Z to go).
It was a baking hot morning and as ever I was accompanied by my two little partners in crime, Elsie and Bertie. We got there at around 8:30 and headed over to the start and for the first timer's briefing. The course was explained as a very simple route...a straight out and back along a path, slightly uphill on the way out and downhill on the way back.
All new venues I visit I tend to start near the back with the buggy, but this was a mistake here. The path is fairly narrow with limited overtaking opportunities and so I found myself going fairly slowly to start with, and then, because it is an out and back course, found it even harder to overtake as runners started coming back the other way. I didn't help myself by not fixing the front wheel correctly and having to stop to fix it. That said it did start thinning out and I was able to push on a little more and was in full flow by the time I hit the turnaround point.
It was as advertised and the second half was really quick. It would be a great course to have a crack at my PB at one day. We flew round the second half and crossed the line in 26:13 and position 84. I was a hot and sweaty mess but considerably better off than the two runners who had taken a tumble whilst running at pace!
We were unable to hang around at the end as the kids were being little monkeys, including Elsie locking herself in the car with the keys, but it is definitely a course that I would like to revisit.
General Announcements
WFC Running Club Calendar
- 11th July - Abbey Gardens
- 18th July - Garnier Road
WFC parkrun Club
- 11th July - Abbey Gardens
- 18th July - Garnier Road
WFC parkrun Club
Winchester Fit Club Runners is set-up as a club with parkrun. If you go into your profile (there is a link to it on the parkrun results email and newsletter email) you can select your club. Change yours to Winchester Fit Club Runners and you will appear in the consolidated club report that we get each week.
WFC Runners WhatsApp Group
There is a WFC Runners WhatsApp chat group where we generally just wang on about running, races and cake. If you are not already part of this then please get in contact with Coach James or Coach Mike who will add you.
WFC Runners Strava Club
If you are a Strava user there is a Winchester Fit Club Runners club page. This can be accessed here: Request to join and we will approve!
Booking onto sessions
Booking onto our training sessions enables the coaches to plan the session accordingly. You can book on in the following location:
Race Calendar
The race calendar is now stored here:
Race Kit
The full range of kit available to purchase and instructions on how to order can be found in the following link:
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