Thursday 25 October 2018

WFC Runners - Thursday 25th - Weeke Mixed Bag

This week saw the runners head to another new location for a mixed bag of hills and sprints.

We met at Deans Lane Park opposite Waitrose in Weeke and were greeted by a familiar face...Adam was back for one week only from Poland.  It was good to see our Polish running machine and that was shown by an excellent turn out of 21 runners.  

This included two new members Janet and Ben....welcome to Fit Club.  We also had Andy joining us for his first Thursday session.  Welcome.

After our normal warm-up we headed out for a short jog before getting to the start of the main session at Burnett Close.  

As mentioned above it was a mixed bag session, so we started off with one set of hill sprints, followed it up with 2 sets of flat sprints and finished up with another set of hill sprints.  

The breakdown of the session was as follows:

Hill Sprints

Starting at the first lamppost at the bottom of Burnett Close the runners sprinted to the first lamppost then turned and ran back to the start, they then turned and ran to the second lamppost and back...and so on and so on until they reached the 5th lamppost.  

Rather than running down after the 5th lamppost, we rested and then jogged round the corner to Godwin Close.  

Flat Sprints

As with the hill sprints we used the lampposts to structure the session.  From the start point we sprinted to the 2nd lamppost then jogged back to the start. We then went to the 4th and back, 6th and back and then the 8th.  

We rested at the 8th and then repeated the set again, this time in the opposite direction.

Hill Sprints

After the flat sprints had finished we headed back to the bottom of Burnett Close where we repeated the first set of hill sprints.  

After this we jogged back to Deans Lane park where we stretched and finished up the session.

Next week we will be back at Abbey Gardens for the Halloween fancy dress social run.  Following that we will be heading to Number 5 Bridge Street for cake, drinks and the AGM. 

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