Thursday, 13 September 2018

WFC Runners - 13th September - 1st Birthday!

This week is the first anniversary of the first ever Thursday night Winchester Fit Club running club session and what a year it has been!     

When Mike and I started discussing the running club we were unsure how it would evolve.  We wanted to ensure that it was a fully inclusive, fun, sociable group which focussed on improving people’s general fitness, building confidence in running and to help people improve both their speed and endurance.  The first session was a nervous time.  Would anyone show up? Would they enjoy the sessions?  If they did come would they come back?

Well it all turned out well...after an initial group of 15 we saw the numbers drop to average less than 10 through the winter, however in spring the numbers really started picking up and we are now regularly getting over 20 and the last two weeks we have cracked 30!  We've come such a long way since the cold winter evenings where on a couple of occasions there were just 3 runners out!

Every week I am in awe of how much fun and energy you bring and how hard you work. I love that you are now entering races regularly, that you meet up for social runs and meet up just to socialise!  I love the community we have become, how inclusive we are and how much fun we have.  It is everything I hoped it would be and more.  

Thank you for everything.  You are awesome.  

In addition I would like to thank Mike for giving me the opportunity to be your coach.  I has been a great journey so far and I am so excited about our future.

So for the Thursday session we met at Abbey Gardens and, following the warm up, we jogged over to North Walls rec where the bulk of the session was held.  

This week’s session was focussed on shuttle sprints. It consisted of the following:
  • a 10m sprint, touch the ground and back to the start 
  • a 20m sprint, touch the ground and back to the start 
  • a 30m sprint, touch the ground and back to the start 
  • a long effort to the middle of the field 
  • then a jog recovery back to the start 
This was all repeated 5 times but then because it was our birthday we did one more rep as a special present to you awesome runners!  The final rep was in reverse with the long sprint first, finishing off with the 3 shorter shuttle sprints.  

Midway through we stopped to take photos (before the light got too bad) and as Mike was there I was even able to join in with the jumping shots!

Once complete we jogged back to Abbey Gardens for the cool down. 

Following the run we all headed down to Number 5 Bridge Street for some celebratory drinks and cake.  It was great that such a large group could join us to celebrate and we were even joined by Elise, Mikaela and Lynn.  

In addition to the speeches I was touched by the gifts and card that you guys arranged for myself and Sarah for the birth of Bertie. It was incredibly generous and really touched me.  I am very lucky to have each and everyone of you in my life and am very grateful to have the opportunity to coach you.  

Love you all.  Coach James. 

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