Thursday, 5 July 2018

WFC Runners - Thursday 5th July - Shuttle Runs

WFC Runners - Thursday 5th July - Shuttle Runs

This week The Runners headed to Garnier Road for a shuttle run session.  It was a really hot evening, but that didn't stop an excellent turn out of 18 Fit Clubbers joining me.  We are now averaging over 15 people a week at the sessions which is amazing.  Thank you for all being part of the fun!!  

We met in the car park as usual and were joined by Sarah Parker, Karen's middle daughter.  Welcome to the group!

After a warm up and a bit of a chat the group headed along the path towards the city, and round the tennis club and into Palmer's Field.  Whilst they were warming up I headed to the field to set-up the session.  

When we assembled I explained the aim of the session. 

I had laid out a set of cones at 10 metres a second at 20 meters and then a third set of cones around 70m away.  The aim was to sprint to the first set, touch the ground, turn and sprint back to the start, then sprint to the second set of cones, touch, turn and sprint back to the start.  The group then ran as hard as they could to the farthest set of cones.  They then recovered back to the start.  We repeated this 10 times!

It was a tough session but the Fit Clubbers rose to the challenge and worked their bottoms off in a very hot, sweaty, leg shredding session.   

After we finished we cooled down with a jog towards the city and then back along the river, down Garnier road and back to the car park.  After a stretch and some photos we called it a day and retired home for cold drinks, dinner and in some cases Love Island.

Please remember to book in if you are coming to future sessions.  It helps us manage what we are doing and where we are going.  

Next week's session returns to the normal time of 7pm.  

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