Monday, 30 July 2018

WFC Runners - parkrun travels and more PBs

Before we get into the running news and chat I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mike and Laura for inviting all of us to their wonderful wedding on Saturday night.  It was a lovely evening and it was great to see Mike and Laura so happy and in love.  On behalf of the runners I would like to wish them a very happy and long life together.  

This week saw 12 Fit Clubbers (registered with parkrun) run at 3 parkruns across the UK. We had the Millses at Arrow Valley and Anne running at a wet Skipton, with have done fantastic write-ups below. The remaining Fit Clubbers were with us at Winchester.

We had a PB for Anna H, who ducked under 25 mins for the first time. Amazing achievement!! We also had myself and Mike recording our fastest times this year.

Mike is edging ever closer to that magical sub 20 mark and I’m positive he’ll achieve it before the year is out.

I was running my 200th parkrun and was chuffed to be so close to being in the 21 min range again. Thank you to everyone who sent me a congratulatory message!!

Probably the most impressive running feat of the weekend was Tina running the whole parkrun course for the first time since finishing her cancer treatment. Congratulations Tina and we look forward to seeing you go from strength to strength over the coming months.

Huge thank you to Sarah H and daughters Izzy and Abby for their support and fantastic photos on the morning!

This week’s Thursday session saw the runners take on the 1 mile time trial. It was a tough session but the runners smashed it out of the park with some amazing times. Read all about it here:

Skipton parkrun – Saturday 28 July - By Anne Arnold

So last week I unexpectedly found my self working from my Mum and Dads house in Skipton in North Yorkshire. As it was a bit of a last minute thing and I was driving up I loaded the boot of the car with all things that I could ever possibly need which included 5 sets of running kit (!?!?) that path to Yorkshire was paved with good intentions!!

After a couple of very hot runs in the week I thought it would be rude not to tackle the parkrun in Skipton. It is held in Aireville Park which is just at the back of our house and as a child I spent all day everyday in and out of the park going to the swings, the baths (swimming pool for the southerners among you) and going down the hills on homemade go karts (still have the scars), bikes and 1970’s rollerskates!

So in a wave of nostalgia I decided I would do the parkrun …I got up and dressed in my little running shorts and WFC t shirt (obvs) and left the house just at the moment the heavens opened and the thunder started….my fair weather runner instinct kicked in and I dropped a text to the WhatsApp Group wimping out of my promise, only to have Coach James bang a text back telling me to “Man Up”. As I always do everything Coach James tells me to, I did just that and got myself to the start line where there was a group of people wrapped up in waterproofs and umbrellas. I asked a random to take a photo as evidence.

I listened to the instructions 4 circuits of part of the park …how hard can it be? I said to myself. I used to run around his park for hours on end. What a difference 40 years makes!  As I huffed and puffed my way around the “slightly undulating” course the sun shone and showed the park off to its best advantage and I did it …not a parkrun PB (I have only done 3) but I still got my lazy ass round. This was my first parkrun as a “tourist” and I loved it. As I was walking back home I was behind a group talking about doing the parkruns A to Z...who knew this was a thing?  I am quite tempted who will join in this challenge??

Arrow Valley parkrun - Saturday 28 July - By Rachel Mills

We were on a flying visit to my parents in Worcestershire to drop off the children for the weekend, so Simon and I could go to Mike & Laura’s wedding. The morning of Saturday 28th started earlier than we had anticipated. We were rudely awoken at 4am by Felicity who had been violently sick! Despite the early wake-up call we decided that we would still go to Arrow Valley parkrun. It was considerably cooler than recent weather and was quite welcome.

It was Simon’s first parkrun since his tendon injury 3 months ago, so we planned to run together and take it steady. Arrow Valley is a local park that both Simon and I grew up visiting, so was a familiar location, despite never having done parkrun there. There are great facilities, with a visitor centre with toilets and a cafĂ© – where importantly you can have tea & cake after! It is a two-lap course following the path around the lake. A slightly undulating course, with a few obstacles – other pedestrians using the paths, and a couple of shin height bollards at various points (watch out if you ever run this course James!), but definitely a more scenic run the Winchester.

We were made very welcome as tourists, and even had a shout out in the briefing pre-run. It was a pacer weekend and they had pacers covering all minutes from 18 to 40. There were also a huge number of volunteers all around the course who were brilliant at cheering the runners on.

We started steadily after an initial busy start – due to narrow paths. The first mile was probably slightly too quick for post injury running and this showed in the second mile where we had to slow the pace to an 11 minute mile. Not long after this Simon suggested I go on ahead and we would meet up at the finish. The third mile I ran in 8.11 and finished in 29.27. Simon was fairly pleased with his finish time post injury at 34.17, but more pleased that he has not been in pain since!

It was definitely a parkrun we would like to do again and would recommend it if you are ever in this neck of the woods!

General Notices

North Walls Rec Pavilion Appeal
There is currently an appeal in progress to raise funds for a new pavilion in North Walls Rec.  This is fantastic news for Winchester parkrun as it will provide:
  • a store for our kit
  • a place to gather
  • toilets
  • a cafe
  • a meeting room for volunteer meetings
If you've a few bob to spare and love Winchester parkrun then please consider getting involved in the Pavilion Project crowd funding here:

WFC parkrun Club

Winchester Fit Club Runners is set-up as a club with parkrun. If you go into your profile (there is a link to it on the parkrun results email and newsletter email) you can select your club. Change yours to Winchester Fit Club Runners and you will appear in the consolidated club report that we get each week.

WFC Runners WhatsApp Group

There is a WFC Runners WhatsApp chat group where we generally just wang on about running, races and cake. If you are not already part of this then please get in contact with Coach James or Coach Mike who will add you.

WFC Runners Strava Club

If you are a Strava user there is a Winchester Fit Club Runners club page. This can be accessed here: Request to join and we will approve!

Booking onto sessions

Booking onto our training sessions enables the coaches to plan the session accordingly. You can book on in the following location:

Winchester Half Marathon - Volunteers needed!

Some of you may have seen the post by Lynn on the WhatsApp group about the Winchester Half Marathon needing volunteers for this year's race.  The race is on Sunday 23rd September and needs over 300 
volunteers to be successful.  

By volunteering you get free entry into next year's race.

If you are interested please follow this link:

Race Calendar

Here is an updated race calendar. If you have any others that you wish to add, please let me know!

Salisbury 5,4,3,2,1 Trail Runs - 12th August 2018

Overton 5 - 2nd September 2018 

New Forest Half - 9th September

Baccus Marathon and Half – 9th September

Meon Valley Express 5km, 10km and Half - 16th September

Hursley 10km - 16th September

The Lake Run, Andover 10km and 5km – 16th Septembver

Winchester Half Marathon – 23rd September
Salisbury Half - 7th October

Clarendon Marathon, Half and relay – 7th October

Cardiff Half – 7th October

Goodwood Running Festival 10km and Half - 14th October

Greenham Common 10km, 5km and Mile - 14th October

Great South Run - 21st October

Hayling 10-  4th November 2018

Gosport Half - 18th November

Victory 5 - 2nd December 2018

Stubbington 10km - 13th January 2019

Ryde 10 - 3rd February 2019
Fleet Half - 17th March 2019
Eastleigh 10K - 17th March 2019 

London Landmarks - 24th March 2019

Salisbury 10 - 14th April 2019 Alton 10 - 12th May 2019 Netley 10K - 19th May 2019 Hook 10K - 19th May 2019 Alresford 10K - 16th June 2019 

Endure 24 - 14th-16th June 2019

Lordshill 10K - 23rd or 30th June 2019

As ever, if you have any submissions for the next blog then please send them through to

Happy Running!  

Coach James

Kit pictures and prices

Thursday, 26 July 2018

WFC Runners - 26th July - 1 mile time trial

WFC Runners - 26th July - 1 mile time trial

This week saw the Runners take on the 1 mile time trial. We have previously done two time trials both 1km in length and over at Teg Down but I felt that the time was right to up the distance to the full mile.

Time trials are an opportunity to test yourself over a set distance. It gives you a great indictor as to where your fitness is and sets a mark which you can aim to beat the next time you run.

I had challenged the runners to be as fast or faster than their 5km PB time. I.e. if your 5km pb is 28mins (9min/mile) you should be aiming for 8-8:30 for just one mile.

We had also set the route up as a segment on Strava so that we can all use it as a test of our pace anytime we want and see ourselves rise or fall up the chart.  

We met in the Garnier Road car park and, after a warm-up, jogged down to the far end of the viaduct.  It was here that we were to start the mile challenge.  The route was simple;  along the viaduct, down onto the riverside path, through the bridge, round the corner to a turn point and then all the way back to the end of the viaduct.

Everyone set-off at a rate of knots and there was no surprise to see Adam leading the way.  On crossing the line Adam immediately assumed responsibilities for handing out the finishers tokens. Next to cross was Charles who was really going for it, he was closely followed by Mike H who kindly took the reins of being photographer for the group.

First lady home was Rachel P closely followed by Philippa G, Alice and the battling duo of Catherine and Rachel M (despite what the times say I think we'll call that one a draw!).

There was some amazing times and performances and we will repeat this in September (before we lose the light) to see how people have improved.  Although now you know where it is feel free to go and run it and see if you can make your way up the leaderboard!!  

Here are the full results:

Pos Name Time 5km Precicted time
1 Adam 05:31.5 17:07.7
2 Charles 06:04.6 18:50.3
3 Mike H 06:12.4 19:14.4
4 Tom 06:36.2 20:28.2
5 Allen 06:49.6 21:09.8
6 Rachel P 07:16.5 22:33.2
7 Philippa G 07:40.3 23:46.9
8 Alice 07:44.8 24:00.9
9 Catherine 07:45.9 24:04.3
10 Rachel M 07:46.6 24:06.5
11 Sarah H 07:49.4 24:15.1
12 Anna H 08:02.6 24:56.1
13 Philippa D 08:11.1 25:22.4
14 Sarah P 08:11.8 25:24.6
15 Sharon 08:27.8 26:14.2
16 Alex H 08:33.4 26:31.5
17 Marie-Clare 08:55.5 27:40.1
18 Simon B 09:40.5 29:59.5

Following the time trial we ran back to the car park via the water meadows and St Cross.  We stopped for photo's by St Cross and then headed back, but not before some cows tried to block our path...thankfully they were safely navigated.  We then did our standard cool-down and headed off! 

This week also saw us bid farewell to Adam, who is heading back to Poland shortly. Therefore following the run we headed to the Queen Inn for beer and chips to bid him farewell.  It's been great having Adam in the group and he will be missed.  He will always be welcome to join us for a run if he is ever back in the country (hopefully Oct/Nov).

Sunday, 22 July 2018

WFC Runners - Goodbye to the Stachowiak's and parkrun PBs Galore

Goodbye Adam and Magda

This week we sadly say goodbye to Adam and Magda, who have decided to move back to Poland.  Adam was one of the founder members of the Runners, having been to our very first session back in September.  From the off Adam showed his amazing running talent.  He was so quick and was consistently the front runner at our Thursday sessions, but it wasn't only the Thursday sessions where he impressed.  His Starva feed showed some impressively long runs both on road and off road and fairly often pushing the double buggy!  

It wasn't only Adam who impressed.  Magda was equally as awesome with her multiple daily runs with the buggy, her buggy workout classes and constant drive to be fitter and stronger.  

They would both run at parkrun and post awesome times, both with and without the buggy.  Adam's 17:59 back at the start of June will probably never be beaten by a Fit Club runner.  

In March Magda and Adam took part in the Windsor and Eton Half marathon and in really  cold conditions Adam ran 1:25:23 for the half, that’s 6:28 a mile for 13.1 miles! Magda ran a very respectable 2:05:32 for her half, but that is only part of the story because Magda ran pushing a double running buggy with two toddlers in! 

In May Magda and Adam competed at the Wings for Life Poland race.  The concept of the race is set off running and a while later a car starts chasing you.  At first it starts off very slowly and slowly increases it's speed.  When it catches you, you are out!  The races are run all over the world (over 200 locations in 66 countries) and all start at exactly the same time. Madga made it to 14.4km before getting caught and Adam made it to 33.5km. 

In June Adam ran superbly at the Race to the King Ultra Marathon and finished in an amazing 9h21m21s....tha's 10:21 a mile for 53 miles!    He also finished in 17th position (out of nearly 700 runners). 

It has been an honour to know and run with Adam and Magda over the past 10 months.  They will always be part of the Winchester Fit Club family and will always be welcome to join us for a run.  I'd like to wish them all the best for the future.  

I would say we'd be sad to see the back of them, but then we've been seeing the back of Adam at every session since September!  They will be missed.


As the fine weather continues so does the form of the runners. It was another fantastic turnout at parkrun and a particularly successful one for Fran (30:15), Charlotte W (23:01) and Tom (21:12), all of whom recorded PBs and for Simon E (26:54) who equalled his best. Mike H (20:39) also posted another seasons best as he edges ever closer to that sub-20 time.

We also had Glenna on tour in Plean in Scotland and myself at Pomphrey Hill near Bristol. Glenna was first in her age category on a tough hilly course. The write up of my travels is below.

Here is the consolidated report for all Fit Club members at parkrun:

Also on tour, but not running, was Alex H who proudly showed off his new Fit Club kit in Northern Spain. If you are going away this summer then why not take your Fit Club kit, grab a photo and send it over for us to share!

This week’s Thursday session was a tough pyramid session which mixed short sprints with longer efforts for a leg sapping, lung burning effort. Read about it here:

As a number of you know we have now launched a WFC Running club Facebook site.  This is to compliment the other communication methods that we already have.  It has photo albums for all of our previous sessions, events set-up for the races that I know people will be attending, the race calendar and will have any important information posted.  It will also enable you to stay connected with your fellow runners, post articles of interest and arrange training runs and socials.  

You can request to join the group here:

North Walls Rec Pavilion Appeal
There is currently an appeal in progress to raise funds for a new pavilion in North Walls Rec.  This is fantastic news for Winchester parkrun as it will provide:

  • a store for our kit
  • a place to gather
  • toilets
  • a cafe
  • a meeting room for volunteer meetings
If you've a few bob to spare and love Winchester parkrun then please consider getting involved in the Pavilion Project crowd funding here:

WFC parkrun Club

Winchester Fit Club Runners is set-up as a club with parkrun. If you go into your profile (there is a link to it on the parkrun results email and newsletter email) you can select your club. Change yours to Winchester Fit Club Runners and you will appear in the consolidated club report that we get each week.

WFC Runners WhatsApp Group

There is a WFC Runners WhatsApp chat group where we generally just wang on about running, races and cake. If you are not already part of this then please get in contact with Coach James or Coach Mike who will add you.

WFC Runners Strava Club

If you are a Strava user there is a Winchester Fit Club Runners club page. This can be accessed here: Request to join and we will approve!

Booking onto sessions

Booking onto our training sessions enables the coaches to plan the session accordingly. You can book on in the following location:

Pomphrey Hill parkrun - by Coach James

Another weekend, another parkrun.  This week I was away in Somerset but as I had done the majority of the ones in the area I decided to head up to Bristol to meet a friend and run Pomphrey Hill parkrun.

Set in the park to the east of the city it is a lovely 3 lap course around a park and lake.  Starting by the pavilion it heads slightly uphill before dropping round to a long flat path by the lake.  At the far end of the lap there is a hill imaginatively called Mr Hill.  It was fairly steep but thankfully not too long.  You then run along a ridge before dropping back down to the start.  This is repeated thee times.  Once you had finished the three laps there was a short sprint uphill to the finish.  

It was a great course and, despite the hill, it felt fairly fast.  It was a very warm morning and the course offered very little shade so it was a tiring but enjoyable run.    The volunteers and core team were superb and very enthusiastic.  There were also a large number of celebratory runs so loads of cake at the end! Always a bonus!!  I would recommend you check it out if you are ever in the area.

Next week will be my 200th parkrun so feel free to come and join me for a celebratory run!

Winchester Half Marathon - Volunteers needed!

Some of you may have seen the post by Lynn on the WhatsApp group about the Winchester Half Marathon needing volunteers for this year's race.  The race is on Sunday 23rd September and needs over 300 
volunteers to be successful.  

By volunteering you get free entry into next year's race.

If you are interested please follow this link:

Race Calendar

Here is an updated race calendar. If you have any others that you wish to add, please let me know!

Salisbury 5,4,3,2,1 Trail Runs - 12th August 2018

Overton 5 - 2nd September 2018 

New Forest Half - 9th September

Baccus Marathon and Half – 9th September

Meon Valley Express 5km, 10km and Half - 16th September

Hursley 10km - 16th September

The Lake Run, Andover 10km and 5km – 16th Septembver

Winchester Half Marathon – 23rd September
Salisbury Half - 7th October

Clarendon Marathon, Half and relay – 7th October

Cardiff Half – 7th October

Goodwood Running Festival 10km and Half - 14th October

Greenham Common 10km, 5km and Mile - 14th October

Great South Run - 21st October

Hayling 10-  4th November 2018

Gosport Half - 18th November

Victory 5 - 2nd December 2018

Stubbington 10km - 13th January 2019

Ryde 10 - 3rd February 2019
Fleet Half - 17th March 2019
Eastleigh 10K - 17th March 2019 

London Landmarks - 24th March 2019

Salisbury 10 - 14th April 2019 Alton 10 - 12th May 2019 Netley 10K - 19th May 2019 Hook 10K - 19th May 2019 Alresford 10K - 16th June 2019 

Endure 24 - 14th-16th June 2019

Lordshill 10K - 23rd or 30th June 2019

As ever, if you have any submissions for the next blog then please send them through to

Happy Running!  

Coach James

Kit pictures and prices