Thursday, 10 May 2018

WFC Runners - May 10th Hill sprints on St Catherine's

Run Session May 10th

It was another glorious evening for Run Club.  It was warm and sunny and perfect conditions for running.  I was joined by 13 Fit Clubbers with Jo Marshall making her debut! Welcome to the group Jo!!  
We met in the car park at Garnier Road and the silliness started straight away.  I was trying to introduce Jo to the group just as another runner ran past.  Everyone thought I was referring to him and were very confused when he just ran off.  Jo, Jo, JOOOOOOOO!

We warmed up as usual and then headed off on a steady jog to the St Catherine's steps.  When we got there we all ran up the steps.  It was a tough start to the session but there was more fun to come!  

I aimed to put the group through a set of hill sprints.  Starting at the top of the steps we divided into 2 relay teams.  I placed a marker about half way up the hill and the aim was to sprint to the marker and then sprint back down the hill (taking care to stop at the bottom before plunging down the steps!  There you would tag the next person in your team who would sprint off up the hill.  Once everyone had finished we had a short break and then repeated the whole thing!

I then moved the bag to the top of the hill.  We repeated the team relay to the new target point, had a short rest and did it all over again.  It was during these repeats when Charlotte, gazing off into the distance, declared to the group "aren't trees f**king amazing?".  It was a little random but made everyone laugh!  

Following the last of these reps we went for a little jog around the top of the of the hill, before finding another suitably long hill to sprint up.  This hill had a large number of rabbit holes so we restricted this set to one long sprint in teams of two. 

We then ran round the top of the hill, across the maze and round to the view of the city.  Here we took our photos before heading back round to where we started.  Here we set up the team sprints again, this time for a further three reps.  

For a bit of fun we pitted Simon and Rachel Mills against each other at the start of each rep.  Simon was very gracious in letting Rachel take the spoils.  ;-)

Following the last of these reps we headed back down the steps and back to the car park for a cool down.

Thank you to everyone who made the evening such an enjoyable one.  It was a good mix of exercise and fun...exactly what Fit Club is all about!!

During the session I was asked what the benefit of hill training is.  Please see the following previous blog for more information:

I hope you have a good weekend of running and look forward to seeing you all next week! 

Coach James


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