Thursday 6 September 2018

WFC Runners - 6th September - Viaduct sprints

With the light quickly fading in the evenings we went for one last session on the viaduct.  Meeting at Garnier Road, a record 35 runners joined me for another interval session.  It would've been 37 but unfortunately Emily got called out and had to leave and Anna got injured in her warm-up so headed home!    

We were also joined for the first time by Felix, Emma and Laura.  Welcome to the group (there isn't cake every week)!

After warming up we took a leisurely jog down to the viaduct where we would do the bulk of the session.  

I had set a tough session.  It consisted of 4 sets.  Each set was made up 2 short sprints and 1 long.  Starting at one end of the Viaduct we sprinted to the middle(ish).  Here we had a short rest before sprinting the second half of the viaduct.  After another short break we did the long sprint back along the whole length of the viaduct. we then took a slightly longer rest  and then repeated the whole thing 3 more times!     

On the cool down run back to Garnier road we lost the light really quickly and ended up doing the cool down in the dark!

To celebrate Simon H's birthday he had brought the group a lovely chocolate cake (made by his mum), so we sang him happy birthday and all had a lovely slice!  

What a session!!  I am always left in awe of the effort you put in to every session and the fun  and enjoyment you all seem to get from them.  Thank you for making it such a great place to be each Thursday!! 

Next week will be the runner's first birthday!  We will be meeting at Abbey Gardens, doing a normal session and then heading to Number 5 on the Bridge for a celebratory drink!  Please try and join us! 

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