Monday, 24 June 2019

WFC Runners - Cheriton Trail Race, Whitchurch 10km, Endure 24 writeups


This week we had runners racing at the Whitchurch 10km and the Cheriton Trail Race.

Alice was at the Whitchurch 10km with her Sister. The route was a mixture of surfaces around a playing field, some road, through crop fields, single track trails and lots of hills. Alice came home in a very respectable 53:12 with her sister, Fleur, taking the first lady spot! Great running ladies! Full race report will follow next week.

At the Cheriton Trail Race we has Caroline, Sarah G, Glenna, Alex and Alistair all running. This is a new race in the calendar and is an 11mile Trail Race through the countryside around Cheriton. Here are the results:

Caroline 1:59:24
Alistair 2:05:12
Alex 2:20:19
Sarah G 2:23:46
Glenna 2:27:06

Special mention to Glenna for winning her age category at the race and receiving a trophy for her efforts!! Well done Glenna and everyone else participating. Write ups coming next week!

I must also apologise for not including Jake’s race last week. Jake ran the Exmoor X-Series half marathon in Devon. A full write up of the event, including post race cake eating, is below! Well done Jake!

parkrun summary – 22nd June

This week we had 16 Fit Clubbers running at 5 different parkrun venues. We had 12 at Winchester, Isabel at Greenwich, Alf at Whiteley, Glenna at Hogmoor Inclosure and James at Isabel.

The highlight was a course PB of 23:02 for Graeme at Winchester. Congratulations!

Here is a link to the consolidated club report:

Thursday training session 20th June – Viaduct sprints

This week the runners met at Garnier Road. There were 18 runners, including a returning Sally Boyden, joining coach James on a lovely summers evening.

After a warm up we jogged down to the viaduct where the main session was to be held.

The session was 2 sets of "Inverse Pyramids". Each set consisted of the following:

1min 30sec sprint at 10km pace with jog recovery
1min sprint at 5km pace with jog recovery
30sec sprint full sprint with jog recovery
1min sprint at 5km pace with jog recovery
1min 30sec sprint at 10km pace with jog recovery

It was a warm evening and the team pushed themselves really hard throughout both sets of sprints and were pretty exhausted at the end!  We then jogged back to Garnier Road where we stretched and cooled down.  

Next week's session is at Abbey Gardens at 7pm.  Please note; originally we were due to meet at the South Winchester park and ride, but we have changed to Abbey Gardens! 

Race Reports

Endure24 by Philippa D, Anne A, Elise G, Sharon S and Rachel M

How many laps were you aiming for? And how many did you actually do?

AA: I think it dawned on me late Friday tea time that I would end up doing more than 25 miles eeek!
EG: Thought I would do 4 ended up doing 6 (6th lap was a walk with AA & 1R).
SS: I wasn't as fit as I was hoping going into the event so decided I would be happy if I managed to complete 3 or 4. I managed 6 in the end although the last lap was all walking. I definitely couldn't have done more as I was truly broken and in pain with every step!
PD: Having been floored by a cold in the days before the race I was just aiming for 2 at best. Ended up doing 5!
RM: In true Mills style, I had planned everything I was taking but hadn’t really thought about the running! In my head I had thought that 3 laps = 15 miles would be nice to aim for. AA pointed out we could potentially be running 5 or 6 in the 24-hour period, so obviously I ended up doing 6 as the seed had been planted!!

What was your high point?

AA: Crossing the finish line as Tit Club, all together.
EG: High point Pretty much the whole weekend enjoyed every minute of it from start to finish. OneR's Chocolate Brownies not only were they the best I have ever tasted but they gave me the energy I needed.
SS: Saturday night's pizza. I devoured it and it was sooo good. Mind you the hot chocolate with Baileys around 11pm was pretty good too.
RM: Spending time with such a lovely group of people! It was a tough weekend of endurance and everyone looked out for each other and provided support right through the event.

And your low point…?

AA: Retching by the side of the track on lap 2 ... until Mr Humber rescued me!EG: How cold it was camping on Fri night!
PD: Waking up in the middle of the night for lap 4. Knackered, disorientated and felt like I was either going to cry or be sick (a bit of pre-run malt loaf made everything better!)

Which lap was your favourite?

SS: Lap 3 around 10pm so my 1st night run. I'd eaten so was probably the only lap I was actually properly fuelled for and I was wearing my headphones which helped a lot. Weird but fun running through the dark. The absolute highlight though was then catching up with Simon B. Our little chat and selfie really gave me a boost.
PD: Lap 3 at about 11pm. Still relatively awake, uninjured, super-excited to have my first lap in the dark and feeling very much in the midst of something rather special!
RM: Lap 4. It was at approximately 00:30am and pitch black. A surreal experience relying on the light of my headtorch, squelching through mud!

What was your favourite part of the course?

EG: The bit with Elvis, but I only discovered he was giving out jelly beans on the final lap.
SS: I liked the wooded bit near the end. Lots of tree roots to concentrate on and I actually quite liked the scary downhill bits. I have to admit it was more controlled falling than running!
RM: Despite it having Heartbreak Hill it seems that mile 3 was my fastest mile on each lap. Maybe it was the joy of it being over with that made me speed up!

I’m really glad I took….

EG: Trail shoes as it was very slippy at times.
PD: My eye mask. It got light very, very early!!
RM: Will! He loves camping and so helped set up and was great at offering snacks to all the WFC runners and making tea. Also giving hugs when I was super tired!

I wish I’d taken…

AA: A Winnebago ... I f#%^*+$¥ hate camping.
SS: A hot water bottle. Although I'd have had to wait 3 hours for the hot water to fill it...
PD: An inflatable mattress. I was in a world of discomfort when I woke up in the morning.

Any lessons learnt?

AA: Remember Dewey grass is wet ... soaking trainers and socks even before the run!
EG: When running around there were some inspirational quotes and one than sticks in my mind is "pain is temporary quitting is forever".
RM: I needed to plan my time better between laps with regards to fuelling and resting. I struggled to eat overnight which then impacted upon my next lap.

Would you do it again?

EG: Definitely.
SS: Currently no. I'm glad I did it, it was a massive achievement but I don't think I’m in a rush to repeat the experience!
PD: YES! Without hesitation!
AA: In a heartbeat for some delusional reason -just so much fun being with everyone
RM: I am loathe to admit it, but yes, I probably would. More because of the team spirit and support. I know what to expect now and so would be fully prepared.

And one word to sum up the weekend…? (Epic, brutal and relentless not allowed!!)

EG: Preposterous beforehand…however, on reflection…stupendous
SS: Damp
PD: Bewildering!
RM: Solidarity!
AA: Awesome 

Epic, Brutal, Relentless - Team Tina Mizuno Endure 24 report 

After months of coughing and spluttering, the day arrived...June 15th was here and 24 hours of mud, sweat and running was about to commence!

Team Tina was named as a nod to our 5th member Tina Jury who sadly couldn’t make this year’s event but in her honour consisted of Mike Day, Simon Holman, Alex Humber and me, Simon Boyden. Mike had Pink ‘TJ’ running tops made and Simon H acquired some cow print bandanas.

None of us really knew what to expect as the 12 noon start time approached. Nervously, we gathered at the Start/Finish line like children on the first day of school, a team of four that was due to take it in turns to run/walk the circuit over the next 24 hours.

Mike Day had the honours of starting us off on the 5 mile undulating loop of Wasing Park set in beautiful Berkshire countryside. To start with the weather was good and it wasn’t too bad under foot.

Run 1 – I was the third person in our team to set off and waited in the transition area just after the finish line for Alex to complete his run, we exchanged wristbands and off I went into the great unknown. From the grass of the Start Finish area and onto the tarmac estate road leading up ‘The Hill of No Return’ before turning on to the tracks and bridleways that made up the majority of the circuit. The majority of the route is pretty flat with a couple of undulations that get much steeper the more circuits you complete!

Halfway through my first circuit, the heavens opened quickly turning the tracks muddy and the grass very slippery, the worst section being the downhill section in ‘Paices Wood’. Luckily I didn’t fall but I did witness a particularly bad ‘crash’ as one of the faster athletes tried to pass us slowbies on the hilly descent and fell heavily then knocking 2 others over as he slipped uncontrollably down the slope.

Once through the forest section the last ½ km was back into the village and camping area where encouragement was to be had from the gathered spectators before crossing the finishing line and handing over to the other Simon H for his turn. Mike met me with a welcome drink and protein bar and we compared laps.

At this stage, when running at home, that 5 miles would be my lot for 2/3 days, but on this day my next lap was approximately 3 hours away so I had to think of food and water intake and getting some rest.

My difficulty was there had been a cock up with the tent. The promised ‘Buckingham Palace’ tent had turned into a 2 up, 2 down which meant I didn’t have my own space to rest up.
Thankfully, the WFC Ladies team had a number of camping chairs, which together with the Mills’ family and Simon H’s gas stoves, tea (very slow to boil because of the wind) was made, food eaten and some rest was had

Everyone had now done 1 circuit and we knew what to expect. The second run came round quickly.

Run 2 – Luckily, the sun was now out and the windy conditions meant the circuit has dried up somewhat more than expected. The tactic (suggested by Coach James) from now on was the walk up the steeper inclines and run the rest. This run went surprising well as I had expected it to be a lot harder. That said my legs had started to ache and feel heavy.
Back to camp, bacon and sausage sandwiches were on the menu together with a cup of tea. As mentioned, the conditions were windy which meant the kettle took FOREVER (okay 45 minutes) to boil. I made a drink for those who wanted one....chivalry prevented me from having mine in lieu of the ladies, Philippa Drew included, who promptly dropped her beautifully made peppermint tea onto the table knocking over Anne’s drink! 45 minutes to boil....and gone in 4.5 seconds! We love PD!

Run 3 – I loved this run! I was at the start around 10pm as the light was fading and the moon was up, the DJ was playing some great old school dance music and there was a party atmosphere at the Start/Finish line. Also there was 1R who was waiting for her turn. I knew that if I started before her, the competitive streak within me would want to try and keep her behind me as long as possible. To my surprise, that and the atmosphere made me run well. Throw away the stopwatch. I felt I did my best run on the third run. Loved it....but 1R did catch me with about 1 mile from the finish line!

After that run and with darkness having descended I returned to camp. It’s at this time, with your team and the other teams well into the 3rd and 4th runs no one is about....they’re out on circuit, they’re showering, they’re resting up.

Team Jury had decided that after Simon H’s run, that was it for the evening. So I had some food and took a shower before taking myself off to the car for a sleep on the back seat.....very comfortable.

Run 4 – My Favourite Run. I’m a morning person, so the chance to run this loop at 3.45am, as the sun was coming up, was right up my street. My legs were sore and heavy and fatigue had set in, but running through the wood accompanied by the dawn chorus was one of the highlights of the weekend.

With no one waiting at the finish line, I hid our team wristband in camp ready for the next person and back off to the car for me!

Run 5 – It’s raining again! The weather had turned again, but I promised myself a massage and one of the posh pizzas that I saw Anne inhaling the previous evening if I did just one more loop. It wasn’t quick, indeed I was very tired and did walk maybe 2 miles of that final loop, but I did it. The massage was painful, but the pizza was amazing!

I would say to anyone thinking of doing this event....DON’T HESTITATE....I loved the atmosphere and the camaraderie of the WFC teams being together in a wonderful setting. Physically, I never thought I was capable of doing anything approaching 25 miles in less than 24 hours.

A massive thank you to everyone who took part, I shall be better prepared next year.

We missed you Tina x

Exmoor X-Series Half – By Jake

On Saturday I took part in my first Maverick race choosing the Exmoor X-Series half, apparently also known as ‘The Beast’! As the website says ‘the toughest event of our Maverick events calendar due to the stomach-churning amount of vertical ascent of over 1800m on our Marathon route’. Luckily it was only 1000m of climbing for me on the medium route.

After a week of torrential rain I was a little apprehensive of what conditions to expect but the rain decided to give it a rest, it was still pretty firm underfoot and we even had the odd bit of blue sky.

The route took runners into the rugged Exmoor National Park and along some stunning sections of the South West Coast Path. The valley of rocks was a particular highlight (downhill). The 280m, 3.5km climb out of Lynmouth was challenging but at the same time offered breathe taking views. Winding back inland to the finish provided a change of scenery through ancient woodland and along raging rivers.

It was a fantastic experience, well run, stunning route and very friendly fellow runners. I spent my whole time chasing James from Weymouth, even on the extra detour mile with only 2km to go! As a WFCR I then decided to sample all cakes on offer, pick of the bunch was the Bakewell tart for me.

General Announcements

WFC Running Club Calendar

- 27th June - Abbey Gardens
- 29th June - Coach James’ 250th parkrun and team breakfast afterwards
- 1st July - Track Session
- 4th July - South Winchester Park and Ride
- 11th July - Abbey Gardens
- 18th July - Garnier Road

WFC parkrun Club

Winchester Fit Club Runners is set-up as a club with parkrun. If you go into your profile (there is a link to it on the parkrun results email and newsletter email) you can select your club. Change yours to Winchester Fit Club Runners and you will appear in the consolidated club report that we get each week.

WFC Runners WhatsApp Group

There is a WFC Runners WhatsApp chat group where we generally just wang on about running, races and cake. If you are not already part of this then please get in contact with Coach James or Coach Mike who will add you.

WFC Runners Strava Club

If you are a Strava user there is a Winchester Fit Club Runners club page. This can be accessed here: Request to join and we will approve!

Booking onto sessions

Booking onto our training sessions enables the coaches to plan the session accordingly. You can book on in the following location:

Race Calendar

The race calendar is now stored here:

Race Kit

The full range of kit available to purchase and instructions on how to order can be found in the following link:

Monday, 17 June 2019

WFC Runners - Endure24 and Richmond 10km


This week the main event was the Endure24 race in Reading.  We had this booked for nearly a year and Fit Club had managed to enter 3 teams in the competition.  This event is known as the Glastonbury of running and is a 24 hour relay race set on a 5 mile trail course in the Berkshire countryside.  Runners could arrive from Friday and camp through until Sunday.  

The weather had been rubbish all week and the forecast had not been great for the weekend and this unfortunately turned out to be the case with sunny spells mixed in with rain.  With hundreds of runners running hundreds of laps sections of the course turned into muddy bogs, making running tough going.    This didn't stop Fit Clubbers going above and beyond.

When we look at achievement each week the results tend to be judged on the basis of speed - times and PBs - but this event is different.  It challenges everyone's endurance, mental strength and team work.  The results below are stunning.  Fit Club members pushing themselves further than they have gone before, working harder than they have before and really stepping out of their comfort zones.  Also, as a team they showed how strong this club has become.  Everyone supporting everyone else, looking after their team mates and their club mates. It makes me so proud to be a part of.  Thank you. 

Here are how the three teams performed...

Winchester Fit Club Runners - Team 3 - 26 laps
Anna - 10 laps
Stefan - 6 laps
Lucy - 6 laps
Lynn - 4 laps

Winchester Fit Club Runners - Team 2 - 27 laps
Rachel - 6 laps
Anne - 6 laps*
Elise - 6 laps
Philippa D - 5 laps
Sharon - 6 laps*

*additional unofficial lap at the end with Elise

Winchester Fit Club Runners - Team 1 - 16 laps

Mike D - 3 laps 
Simon H - 3 laps
Simon B - 5 laps
Alex H - 5 laps

Mike H was also part of a different team and managed a cracking 8 laps.

Well done everyone!  We will be looking to put teams in for next year within the next month, so if you are interested...please let me know!   

We also had Glenna running the Richmond 10km in a cracking 59:33.  Just 8 seconds off of a course PB.  Well done Glenna!!

parkrun summary - 15th June

With Winchester parkrun cancelled and a large part of the team at Endure24 our parkrun attendance was down this Saturday.

This week we had 9 Fit Clubbers running at 6 different parkrun venues. We had Jennifer and Sarah at Andover, Ali and Kathy at Newbury, Marie-Claire at Eastleigh, Glenna Greenslade at Whiteley, Trish at Llanelli Coast and James and Olivia at Henstridge Airfield.

Here is a link to the consolidated club report:

Thursday WFC Training Session 13th June - Godwin Close Sprints

With the combination of the bad weather and the impending Endure24 numbers were down at the Thursday session, with just 12 joining me for some sprints.  We met at Deans Lane Park and warmed up there, before heading out along Stoney Lane, Up Fromond Road and along the path to the top of Godwin Close. 

We started with some 30s sprints with jog recovery to the end of the road.  We repeated this 4 times.  

We then did some shuttle runs using the lampposts as markers.  We sprinted to the 2nd lamppost and jogged back to the start, then sprinted to the 4th and back to the start, then the 6th and then the 8th.  

After a short break we repeated the whole thing again...4x30 sec and the full set of shuttle runs.  

After we had finished we headed back the way we came, cooled down in the park and headed off.  

It was a fun session and we were lucky to avoid the rain!  

Next week we are meeting at Garnier Rd at 7pm.  

Race Reports

Henstridge Airfield by Coach James

This week Olivia and I headed to the relatively new Henstridge Airfield parkrun.  I was a little worse for wear following a wedding the night before and the misty overcast weather didn't help me feel any better, but Olivia was in good spirits and determined to run the whole of the route without stopping.  

The parkrun, as the name suggests, is set at an airfield on the Dorset/Somerset border.  It's fairly small, but is home to the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.  If you happen to have your own plane you can fly it into the airport for the parkrun and you get free landing fees!  Bargain!

The course started by the cafe and turns onto the old taxi way.  This section, whilst on concrete, is actually quite pot-holed and so care is needed, especially if, like me, you are prone to twisting your ankle!

After a short section on the taxi way you turn onto what seemed to be a BMX trail.  Here you went over a series of short mounds (kind of like consecutive hump bridges) before heading onto a twisting path alongside some grassy fields that border the airfield.  

You then looped back round onto the taxi way and repeated the same loop for a second time. 

Just before the end of the second loop you were directed off onto an out and back section,.  This ran alongside the other side of the airfield before heading into a wooded loop at the top of the out and back.  You then headed back to the original loop and round to the finish by the cafe.  

Olivia paced herself really well and did manage to run the whole way round.  She ran so well that I rewarded her with waffles and ice cream for pudding!  

I really enjoyed the course.  It was varied and interesting the whole way round, and, being in the middle of nowhere, it was very peaceful.   The cafe afterwards is undergoing some renovation work, but they are still serving food and drink.  It was really reasonable too, for good sized portions and good quality food. 

I would love to revisit this at some point, I really enjoyed the run and the morning.  

General Announcements

WFC Running Club Calendar

- 20th June - Garnier Road
- 22nd June - Fit Club 3rd birthday party
- 27th June - South Winch p&r
- 29th June - Coach James’ 250th parkrun and team breakfast afterwards
- 1st July - Track Session

WFC parkrun Club

Winchester Fit Club Runners is set-up as a club with parkrun. If you go into your profile (there is a link to it on the parkrun results email and newsletter email) you can select your club. Change yours to Winchester Fit Club Runners and you will appear in the consolidated club report that we get each week.

WFC Runners WhatsApp Group

There is a WFC Runners WhatsApp chat group where we generally just wang on about running, races and cake. If you are not already part of this then please get in contact with Coach James or Coach Mike who will add you.

WFC Runners Strava Club

If you are a Strava user there is a Winchester Fit Club Runners club page. This can be accessed here: Request to join and we will approve!

Booking onto sessions

Booking onto our training sessions enables the coaches to plan the session accordingly. You can book on in the following location:

Race Calendar

The race calendar is now stored here:

Race Kit

The full range of kit available to purchase and instructions on how to order can be found in the following link:

Monday, 10 June 2019

WFC Runners - parkrun, hills, hills, hills, Try Athy and vitality 10000 writeups


It was a quiet week for the running club with no racing. With Endure24 coming up next weekend members were keeping their legs fresh ahead of the 24 hours of trail running ahead of them.

As ever we had a strong turn-out at parkrun and another cracking session at St Giles hill on Thursday. Read all about this below!

parkrun Summary - 8th June

This week we had 18 Fit Clubbers running at 5 different parkrun venues. There were 13 at Winchester, Cat at Skipton, Mike and Anna at Rickmansworth, Alice at Bushy and Glenna at The Eden Project.

Despite the wet and windy weather there were yet more PBs:

Alice - (22:37) - Bushy
Lucy - (23:45) - Winchester

Here is a link to the consolidated report:

Thursday Running Club Session - 6th June

This week the runners were heading to the pub after the Thursday session for drinks and cake.  When this happens there is only one session that we will be running....HILLS!!

We met in Abbey Gardens and there was a cracking turnout of 26 runners, lured in by the gorgeous weather and the promise of cake and drink.  

After a warmup we headed over for a little warm up at Blue Ball hill.  Here we did two reps of the hill up to the junction and back down. 

Once done we then headed up the hill to St Giles Hill.  Unfortunately we took a wrong turn and ended up going up a hill to a dead end.  A short jog back down, back up another hill and then another steeper hill we found ourselves in St Giles Hill park.  We headed over to the centre of the park.  Here we headed to path along the bottom.  

The main session was from the bottom of the park, across the grass to the top of the park.  Ten times!  It was tough, especially as we had already done Blue Ball and run up to the park!
After we had completed our 10 reps we ran a lap of the park, including a stop at the view point for the obligatory photos.

As we had some time to kill we decided to do two more reps.  This time from the bottom corner, up the diagonal path to the top.  

Once we had done this we headed back down the hill to Abbey Gardens for a cool down and stretch.

We then headed to Number 5 Bridge Street for a drink and a cake sale for charity. There was a wide selection of cakes to choose from; brownies, cookies, lemon shortbread, muffins and chocolate coconut slices.  This raised a whopping £204 for charity, which is absolutely amazing!!  Thank you.  

Next week's session will be meeting at Deans Lane Park (opposite Waitrose in Weeke).

Race Reports

Try Athy by Allen

Back in 2012 I was over in Athy, Ireland visiting Cat's family and we went to watch the finish line of Tri Athy (now in its 13th year). This was the first time I'd seen a Triathlon event live and to top things off, we found out the next day that Jenson Button had competed the day before! Ever since then I've wanted to have a crack at the event but it took a few more years before I'd do my first Triathlon.

Tri Athy offers 4 different distances, Super Sprint, Sprint, Olympic and Double Olympic. I chose to race the Olympic distance (1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run) because I stepped up to this event distance last year in the Cotswolds and really liked it! Having swum since about the age of 5 I think it's the race distance I'm most suited to because I can gain a bit of an advantage from the swim start.

Being an event abroad I had to fly my bike over in a huge box and both dismantle and reassemble the bike in the days leading up to the race. Heading over to Ireland a couple of days before the race was certainly needed to make sure everything with me was in working order! It always surprises me how much equipment is required to race in Triathlon but I wont bore you with all the details!

Race day came and it was a really late start. My distance didn't kick off until 12pm which was mega late compared to other events I've done. It did mean I was able to see my brother in law John start his very first Sprint Triathlon.

Through transition and onto the bike to complete a 40km loop which was mainly out and back along the same road. Because around 2,000 people enter Tri Athy its a closed road event meaning it was just me and other cyclists on the roads with no cars... jackpot. The bike leg passed with no major drama, I hit my target pace of 30 kmph average and felt good heading onto the run and passing Cat and her family cheering me into transition for the second time. 

The swim took place in the river Barrow and consisted of a 600m swim upstream followed by a quick 180 turn and back down the river for 900m. I positioned myself quite near the start of the pack as I prefer as much clear water as possible to swim in and the middle of a Triathlon swim pack can get a bit hairy!! The first thing that struck me diving into the water was how cold it was, my face felt instantly numb and I had a swim hard to warm up. I completed the swim in 24 mins 11 seconds, good enough to finish 13th out of 452 in that leg of the race!

Overall I was really happy with the race and immediately signed up to the 2020 event for another crack at the course. If anyone is thinking of trying a triathlon I'd be happy to talk you through the sport anytime

Transition 2 flew by, I dropped the bike, put shoes and a visor on and bolted onto the start of the 10km. First km of my 10km flew by in 4:23 which was absurdly fast and something I'd pay for later. First 5km I completed in 22:30 but I dropped off in the second 5km and started to suffer in the final part of the race. My aim on the run was to limit the number of people that over took me, and chase down some of the fast cyclists that had dropped me on the bike. I has some success here!

Vitality 10000 by Sarah H

Before I became a runner, I used to think that running was merely a form of exercise to keep you fit and that it was quite a solitary and boring affair. Well, I couldn't be more wrong. Running brings people together and it was truly proven to me at the London Vitality 10km where we ran as part of the #celebrateyou movement. Celebrate you was set up by Bryony Gordon who wanted women to run the 10km in their underwear to empower them to love themselves no matter what shape and size they are as every woman is beautiful. 

Katie and I were introduced to this race and movement by Jenny who follows Bryony (and other celebs taking part) on instagram. Fast forward 8 weeks and there I am in the capital city about to do a 10km run in only my underwear! Thanks Jen! We (Jenny, Katie and I) arrived and nervously began searching for the other worried faces. Soon, we spotted a pen full of half naked proud, confident, happy women all having a laugh together despite the camera crews all around them. 

Bryony instantly put us all at ease with an inspirational speech (which included a chat about sperm!) but also a message to ignore any negative comments that we might hear as it says more about the people commenting then it does about us. Thankfully none of us heard any negative comments throughout. In actual fact the level of support from fellow runners and the crowds was incredible and we were told by several women just how much we had inspired them. 

After the talk, we headed together to the bag drop followed by a group warm up. Overall the organisation was excellent and we were very impressed with how smoothly it ran. We just had time for a few bum wiggle photos outside Buckingham Palace before we headed to the start line. 

Thankfully the sun was out so we didn't feel too cold in our attire. The run was such fun. We all stuck together laughing and chatting all the way round. It is a beautiful course but very congested. For us though this run wasn't about getting PB's, it was about acceptance (wobbly bits and all!) and having a whole lot of fun.
General Announcements

WFC Running Club Calendar

- 11th June - Running Club committee meeting
- 13th June - Deans Lane Park
- 20th June - Garnier Road
- 22nd June - Fit Club 3rd birthday party
- 27th June - South Winch p&r
- 29th June - Coach James’ 250th parkrun and team breakfast afterwards
- 1st July - Track Session

WFC parkrun Club

Winchester Fit Club Runners is set-up as a club with parkrun. If you go into your profile (there is a link to it on the parkrun results email and newsletter email) you can select your club. Change yours to Winchester Fit Club Runners and you will appear in the consolidated club report that we get each week.

WFC Runners WhatsApp Group

There is a WFC Runners WhatsApp chat group where we generally just wang on about running, races and cake. If you are not already part of this then please get in contact with Coach James or Coach Mike who will add you.

WFC Runners Strava Club

If you are a Strava user there is a Winchester Fit Club Runners club page. This can be accessed here: Request to join and we will approve!

Booking onto sessions

Booking onto our training sessions enables the coaches to plan the session accordingly. You can book on in the following location:

Race Calendar - NEWLY UPDATED!

The race calendar is now stored here:

Race Kit

The full range of kit available to purchase and instructions on how to order can be found in the following link: